Dear friends,
This is the annual newsletter of the SAUBHAGYAVATI EDUCATIONAL TRUST.We would like to thank all those who have provided financial contribution and moral support towards the education of the children registered with the SET.
We are currently helping 9 children being educated in various schools in Dehradun, India.
This year, the SET has been able to pay for their school fees (to the extent not subsidized by the schools), subsidize their bus fares, and fund the cost of their uniforms, books and shoes. We have also organized a 2 hour study session every day after school where a qualified teacher has been employed to help them with their lessons and assure the understanding and completion of their homework. Jagdish Rastogi supervises each study session and takes care of those children requiring special attention and needs. The SET covers the expense of the teacher and the expenses of electricity, stationary, books and educational aids required for this purpose.

During the winter of 2008, Jagdish and Florence Rastogi graciously had a study shed built in their garden to house these study sessions.
Our goal at the SET is not only to assure that each child fulfils the required educational curriculum, but also to imbibe the pleasure of learning and understanding and a curiosity about the world they live in. These children are now friends and take pleasure in their time together and in the sharing of their difficulties and of their successes. Our endeavour includes the parents in the advancement and well being of their child.
The nine children currently registered with the SET are:
Pooja – 13 years old, in 8th grade at Scholar's Home where she has been studying for the past 5 years. A studious and intelligent girl, she has been doing well in her studies, achieving over 80% grades for the past 3 years. Pooja is also talented in music, painting and elocution.
Fiza – 11 years old, in 3rd grade at Sharp Memorial School. Fiza is a bright, outgoing girl. Unfortunately she is severely dyslexic and is unable to cope with the traditional school education. We are hoping to be able to find and finance alternative or specialized schooling for her.
Rishi – 11 years old, in 5th grade at Scholar's Home where he has been studying for the past 5 years. Rishi is an average student. He is good in sports and also loves playing around with electronic experiments (he recently built a mini-fan for his younger sister from an old radio).
Ayub – 10 years old, in 4th grade at Deep Children's Academy. Ayub is a bright, intelligent boy. He is slowly improving his previous problems with written skills.
Sakshi – 10 years old, in 4th grade. Sakshi was recently transferred to Deep Children's Academy from a Hindi medium school. We are very pleased with her as through hard work and diligence she has adapted very well and is blossoming in her new environment.
Sanjana – 10 years old, in 4th grade at North Point English School. Sanjana has had a medical history of anaemia, but we are pleased to say that she becoming stronger and is doing quite well in her studies. She is partly supported by a Christian society.
Gautam – 8 years old, in 1st grade at Deep Children's Academy. Due to family problems in early life, Gautam needs gentle attention and is slowly developing his confidence and potential.
Naina – 7 years old, in Upper Kindergarten at Deep Children's Academy. A bright and intelligent young girl, Naina is doing very well at school.
Abhishek – 6 years old, in Upper Kindergarten at Deep Children's Academy. A very intelligent and perky young boy, Abhishek is very quick to pick up his lessons, and is greatly stimulated by sharing study time with the older children.